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Funded by Suffolk's Public Sector Organisations, Suffolk Energy Assessment can come and assess your home -
click here
2 April 2024
We've been awarded funding of £40,000 for a feasibility study for a new Pilot Project -
Heating Bildeston are now proposing to develop opportunities for cost effective low carbon energy solutions for electrical and heat demand for high energy consumers in the village. This Pilot Project will focus on a scheme for Bildeston Primary School and Bildeston Health Centre (the "Stakeholders”). Our rationale for this is:
• They are both high energy users
• Close proximity to each other
• Current oil fired heating systems approaching end-of-life
• The project will provide insight and data for future schemes throughout the village.
We have seven professional expert companies who will soon be bidding to carry out the study.
1 February update
We're surveying homes in Bildeston whose occupants have asked us to visit with Thermal Imaging Cameras,
And you can discover what your Energy Performance Rating (EPC) is
The Suffolk Loft Insulation Grant - Suffolk’s Public Sector Leaders have teamed up with Travis Perkins to offer Suffolk residents a great deal on loft insulation. Not only can you buy loft insulation at a much reduced price, but you can also claim a further 50% discount (up to a maximum of £200) towards the final bill, and delivery is free!
Here's the
Online Order Form
There's also more energy help at
Grants – Green Suffolk
8 January
We're getting thermal cameras again this year (2024) from the end of January for use during the whole of February. Do get in touch if you'd like to know how your home is performing on
Our bulk buy scheme with Suffolk Community Network means we can supply you with loft insulation at half price from Travis Perkins -
Knauf Loft Roll 44 Combi Cut 200mm 1140 x 6.00m 6.84m2 Per Pack or
Knauf Loft Roll 44 Combi Cut 150mm 8050x1140mm
Discount price - £16.94 per pack
Let us know if you'd like buy by getting
in touch so we can order for you.
1 December
There's a good guide to retrofitting your home available
1 October
The Bulk Buy scheme is now up and running and we've had our first orders.
We're also looking at the possibilities of community solar power and ways to trial community renewable heating.
13 April
Heating Bildeston is trying to help you stay warm all year long.
Our volunteer team gather information on ways you can better insulate and heat your home and how to access available grants,
especially if your household income is less then £46,000 a year.
Try to see what we’re talking about and let us know if we can come and talk about your house and saving energy by emailing or telephoning 01 449 740 876 to work out what best suits you.
At Heating Bildeston, we work towards net zero carbon emissions. We offer free energy reduction advice and participate in the Bulk Buy Scheme for household insulation measures of the Suffolk Climate Change Partnership (consisting of all of Suffolk’s Local Authorities) and with local PAS2035 retrofitters.
We're also working on new initiatives following our analysis of our present position - see
28 September 2022
We're trying hard to fill funding gaps, but have had support in accessing funding 'for a rural green heat network scheme' -
"…from discussions we have had about the (Heating Bildeston) project it appears to be eligible for GHNF funding. The GHNF fund is £288m and must be spent by projects by the latest 31st March 2025. Applications to the GHNF are assessed against all other projects received in that round and are ranked based on their score…" Lauren Bright, Triple Point Heat Networks.
- Draft feasibility report received 9th Sep from the external consultants - 2 week revision process underway to finalise the report.
- Good news: several options are considered technically feasible and have a good chance of viability.
- Heating Bildeston is considered important by the UK Government Green Energy funding departments “currently unique in being the most advanced rural district heat network project of it’s kind in the south of England."
- Multiple approaches from other villages (8) / organisations for our advice, help and assistance in developing their own low-carbon heat networks.
- Bad news: 'The rug was pulled’ - Government have cancelled the Rural Community Energy Fund (the RCEF provided funding for the feasibility report and was expected to fund the next development stage to 100%). But nobody wants the project to stall.
- Alternative funding routes for the estimated next stage development funding (£150k) are less straightforward. 67% grant sources have been identified, work on the gap using “matched funding" is ongoing.
- Good and ongoing support from Bildeston Parish Council and Babergh Mid-Suffolk, but we need to lobby/brief the political leaders in Suffolk CC and above to access further support.
- Seeking alternative funding will cause a delay, we will use the time to develop a “test borehole” (to confirm flow and temperature assumptions and thereby de-risk the project).
- Renewed focus on our insulation/retrofit strategy and path to ultimately support a reduction in local energy poverty.
- New member joined the volunteer team bringing us to 7. This now adds a financial strategy skill-set to Heating Bildeston.
- Heating Bildeston will celebrate 1 year since formation on 14th Sep. 2022.
Townrock Energy, an award-winning geothermal energy consultancy that works with our consultants Scene Connect, has looked at the geology under Bildeston and found it to be very suitable for a heat pump network. They've also taken a preliminary look at what technologies would work and which wouldn't. Here's their initial appraisal, click for full size.
Our public meeting, with over 70 attendees over two sessions, showed Bildeston's commitment to a low carbon heat network. A highly successful day that started with a familiarisation walkabout for Sandy Robinson from Scene Connect, followed by presentations from Chris Knock from Babergh & Mid Suffolk District Councils and from Sandy, who, building on the over 20% return rate of our Questionnaire, stated we use over 7,500MWh of fossil fuels producing over 1,700 tonnes of CO2 a year. A heat network would drastically reduce that dangerous pollution. We're 6 weeks into the feasibility study and by August we should have a clearer idea of what the network will look like and it's economic viability. Below is Sandy's presentation; for questions, he's at
11 June 2022
Public meeting on 25th June
29 May 2022
Questionnaire Progress
Over the last three weeks, we've printed and delivered the Energy Consumption Questionnaire personally to nearly every household in the village, all 512 of them. We're now collating the many replies so that Scene, our appointed consultants, can work out just how much energy we use and how. It'll be a core component of the Feasibility Study that will follow.
We're hoping to hold a Public Engagement Meeting soon so we can thank all those who participated in completing the Questionnaire - there is still time if you haven't yet. Your information about how much energy your household consumes is very important to our community. We're here to help if there's anything we can do to assist you - call Gordon Mehrtens (07456 737113) or Shaun Moffat (01449 257136).
1 May 2022 News Release
Grant Approved for Heating Bildeston Feasibility Study
The Rural Communities Energy Fund (RCEF) has awarded Heating Bildeston nearly £33,000 to engage expert consultants to undertake a Feasibility Study to identify how we might install and run a renewable energy district heating system throughout Bildeston. If feasible, the new system would be the first of its kind in East Anglia.
As a rural Suffolk community, Bildeston is mainly reliant of fossil fuels for heating and hot water. With the important need to reduce our carbon footprint and to combat the volatile and rapidly rising energy prices, a group of residents formed Heating Bildeston to address this problem. The RCEF are a natural partner as they provide grants to enable rural communities like Bildeston to explore renewable energy possibilities.
With this funding, the group have commissioned Scene Connect as consultants to deliver a feasibility study which will look at the most economical and environmentally sound solution to deliver heat to homes and businesses throughout Bildeston.
An important element of this study will be to understand how much energy the system will need to generate. Heating Bildeston plan to undertake a survey of residents’ energy usage. A Village Questionnaire has been designed to enable Heating Bildeston to gauge current usage from every interested home and business. This data will ensure that the system to be installed is can be made fit for purpose even on the coldest and busiest days.
Heating Bildeston aim to start circulating these questionnaires throughout during May. The Feasibility study will take approximately three months to complete and results will follow later this year.
If you want to find out more about Heating Bildeston see our website at or call Gordon Mehrtens (07456 737113) or Shaun Moffat (01449 257136).
12 April 2022
After three months of intensive work, we have now been awarded £33,000 in funding from the Rural Community Energy Fund for a feasibility study that will work out the most suitable and economic way of bringing low-carbon district heating to our homes. We've analysed the consultant tenders and selected which team of experts offer the best match for our project. The next stage will be to identify just how much energy all our homes use. Heating Bildeston and our consultants will prepare a questionnaire and hope to speak to every Bildeston household. More information to follow in next month’s Bugle.
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Research Visit
The Heating Bildeston team recently visited Swaffham Prior in Cambridgeshire where a similar scheme is now being installed. We received a warm welcome, an abundance of great advice and a promise to support Heating Bildeston through our journey. You can find out more at
The government have announced the new scheme relevant to us. It’s called the
Green Heat Network Fund. More details at
GHNF and there's a useful explantion at
What is a heat network?
We're not yet ready to apply for the capital costs of our scheme, but it's good to know funding could be available.
As our project progresses, we'll post news here or on the Blog page - let us know if we should include more!
More to come. . .